I'm working on a documentation generator. MSDN documentation shows the parameters passed to Attributes when they are applied. Such as [ComVisibleAttribute(true)]
. How would I get those parameter values and/or the constructor called in my c# code via reflection, pdb file or otherwise?
To clarify> If someone has documented a method that has an attribute on it like so:
/// <summary> foo does bar </summary>
[SomeCustomAttribute("a supplied value")]
void Foo() {
I want to be able to show the signature of the method in my documentation like so:
[SomeCustomAttribute("a supplied value")]
void Foo();
If you have a member for which you want to get the custom attributes and the constructor arguments, you can use the following reflection code:
MemberInfo member; // <-- Get a member
var customAttributes = member.GetCustomAttributesData();
foreach (var data in customAttributes)
// The type of the attribute,
// e.g. "SomeCustomAttribute"
foreach (var arg in data.ConstructorArguments)
// The type and value of the constructor arguments,
// e.g. "System.String a supplied value"
Console.WriteLine(arg.ArgumentType + " " + arg.Value);
To get a member, start with getting the type. There are two ways to get a type.
, call Type type = obj.GetType();
, do Type type = typeof(MyType);
.Then you can find, for example, a particular method. Look at the reflection documentation for more info.
MemberInfo member = typeof(MyType).GetMethod("Foo");