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Is it possible to replace schema locations in Suds/python?

I'm trying to hit a WCF service that's being hosted behind a reverse proxy/redirect. The WCF service is reporting the wrong schemaLocation, based on which machine it's actually being served from. For instance, I get something like this:

<xsd:schema targetNamespace="">
<xsd:import schemaLocation="" namespace=""/>
<xsd:import schemaLocation="" namespace=""/>

Now, it shouldn't be, it should be I can open the xsd in my browser if I point it to the goodhost version - obviously the badhost one doesn't work.

Is there a way to replace these bad endpoints with the correct one?


  • It turns out the one can create plugins. This one is an easy one:

    import re
    from suds.plugin import DocumentPlugin
    class FixUrls(DocumentPlugin):
        def loaded(self, context):
            context.document = re.sub(r'badhost\d', 'goodhost', context.document)

    And then it's called a la:

    client = Client(url, plugins=[plugin])

    That's all it takes!