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Keymando: Removing modifier keys when Sending keystrokes

When sending keystrokes using Keymando, is it possible to remove the currently held down modifiers?

An example:

map "<Cmd-d>" do

This sends Cmd+a rather than a which is what I want. (This is a made up example, but illustrates the point.)

AutoHotkey (which is a key remapping and automation tool for Windows) releases any held-down modifier keys when sending keystrokes (and if modifier keys are required not to be released, one can specify a parameter for that as well).

How can I do the same in Keymando? Even if there is no "smart" way to release held down modifiers, can I manually specify the modifiers I want released (Again, AutoHotkey allows one to send keystrokes like {Ctrl Up}. Is there something similar in Keymando)

Finally, are there any other, more powerful alternatives to Keymando for the Mac?


  • This issue is fixed in the latest 1.4 version.