Is there a way to use different icons on JFrame and Windows taskbar?
When I set JFrame.setIconImage(img) this same image is use as Windows icon. Can I use different icons to the JFrame and Windows taskbar?
I cound not use the suggested solutions because I have jdk 1.5 as requirement ...
So, I did this:
public void setAppIcons(JFrame frame) {
List<Image> images = new ArrayList<Image>();
try {
Class<?> [] types = {java.util.List.class};
Method method = Class.forName("java.awt.Window").getDeclaredMethod("setIconImages", types);
Object [] parameters = {images};
method.invoke(frame, parameters);
} catch (Exception e) {
If the client is running the application in a jre 1.6 or major, the application will pick the image list to set ...
Tks for your suggestions.