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Dynamic ui include and commandButton

I have a page which includes content from another page dynamically (this is done by a method in the bean)


<ui:include src="#{managedBean.pageView}">
    <ui:param name="method" value="#{managedBean.someAction}"/>

This redirects to a secondPage which is within <ui:composition> which has commandButton.


<p:commandButton actionListener=#{method} value="Submit"/>


public String pageView(){
return "secondPage.xhtml";

public void someAction(){

The commandButton in the secondPage.xhtml is not working.

Any help shall be much appreciated.


  • You can't pass method expressions via <ui:param>. They're interpreted as value expression.

    You've basically 3 options:

    1. Split the bean instance and the method name over 2 parameters:

      <ui:param name="bean" value="#{managedBean}" />
      <ui:param name="method" value="someAction" />

      And couple them in the tag file using brace notation [] as follows:

      <p:commandButton action="#{bean[method]}" value="Submit" />

    2. Create a tag handler which converts a value expression to a method expression. The JSF utility library OmniFaces has a <o:methodParam> which does that. Use it as follows in the tag file:

      <o:methodParam name="action" value="#{method}" />
      <p:commandButton action="#{action}" value="Submit" />

    3. Use a composite component instead. You can use <cc:attribute method-signature> to define action methods as attributes.

          <cc:attribute name="method" method-signature="void method()"/>
          <p:commandButton action="#{cc.attrs.method}" value="Submit"/>

      Which is used as follows:

      <my:button method="#{managedBean.someAction}" />