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Java Ant - ERROR [main] - Could not instantiate auxFacto-ry named "DC"

just a short one:

I have an application with an Ant-Build File which runs with Java 1.5.0_11. I would like to run the application on Java 1.6.0_31.

But if I try to run my App vi a shell skript I get the follwing error:

    [importXML] 2013-02-21 13:25:16,165  INFO [main] - Creating cache manager from config file: /cache.ccf
[importXML] 2013-02-21 13:25:16,181  INFO [main] - thread_pool.default PoolConfiguration = useBoundary = [true] boundarySize = [2000] maximumPoolSize = [150] minimumPoolSize = [4] keepAliveTime = [300000] whenBlockedPolicy = [RUN] startUpSize = [4]
[importXML] 2013-02-21 13:25:16,185  INFO [main] - Setting default auxiliaries to DC
[importXML] 2013-02-21 13:25:16,190  INFO [main] - setting defaultCompositeCacheAttributes to [ useLateral = true, useRemote = true, useDisk = true, maxObjs = 10000, maxSpoolPerRun = -1, diskUsagePattern = 0 ]
[importXML] 2013-02-21 13:25:16,191  INFO [main] - No special ElementAttribute class defined for key [jcs.default.elementattributes], using default class.
[importXML] 2013-02-21 13:25:16,191  INFO [main] - setting defaultElementAttributes to [ IS_LATERAL = true, IS_SPOOL = true, IS_REMOTE = true, IS_ETERNAL = true, MaxLifeSeconds = -1, IdleTime = -1, CreateTime = 1361449516191, LastAccessTime = 1361449516191, getTimeToLiveSeconds() = -1, createTime = 1361449516191 ]
[importXML] 2013-02-21 13:25:16,192  WARN [main] - No such property [maxLifeSeconds] in org.apache.jcs.engine.CompositeCacheAttributes.
[importXML] 2013-02-21 13:25:16,192  INFO [main] - No special ElementAttribute class defined for key [jcs.region.main.elementattributes], using default class.
[importXML] 2013-02-21 13:25:16,215  INFO [main] - initialized LRUMemoryCache for main
[importXML] 2013-02-21 13:25:16,215  INFO [main] - Constructed cache with name [main] and cache attributes [ useLateral = true, useRemote = true, useDisk = true, maxObjs = 10000, maxSpoolPerRun = -1, diskUsagePattern = 0 ]
[importXML] 2013-02-21 13:25:16,216 ERROR [main] - Could not instantiate auxFactory named "DC".

Are there any knwon issues and differences betwen Java 1.5 and 1.6 which could cause this error.

Regards LStrike

PS: I am not allowed to post more specific details of the application, sorry for that.


java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType.value()Ljavax/xml/bind/annotation/AccessType;


  • Do you have any kind of relative/absolute path use? importing anything?

    Perhaps the file youre looking for isnt reachable, or it doesnt exist?

    Was the factory changed to abstract or anything? Is it an interface?

    With more details like these, we can help you more.

    Also, how do i end a line here? i always have to hit 'enter' twice to get a new line.