Hi if theres any infovis users out there they may be able to help, im a infovis noob just got my force directed graph up and running passing in my nodes through Json, is there anyway I can amend a popup info window to each node as one might see on a Google map when a marker is clicked, i've been going around in circules for a few hours.
Here's my attempt to attach an image to each node still cant get this to work:
onCreateLabel: function(domElement, node) {
var actionElem;
var link = document.createElement('a');
var frame = document.createElement('div');
actionElem = document.createElement('img');
// http://promote.opera.com/logos/Opera-icon-high-res.png
//actionElem.src = photoUrls[node.id];
actionElem.src = 'http://promote.opera.com/logos/Opera-icon-high-res.png';
actionElem.className = 'profilePicture';
//actionElem.onclick = function() { nodeOnClick(node) };
link.href = '/' + node.id;
link.className = 'link';
link.target = '_blank';
link.innerHTML = node.name;
frame.className = 'detailFrame';
You can add an image to a node by doing something like this:
onCreateLabel: function(label, node){
label.innerHTML = "<div><img src='/images/node.png'/></div>;
To add a unique image you can pass in an image name in json:
onCreateLabel: function(label, node){
label.innerHTML = "<div><img src='/images/"+node.data.image+"'/></div>;