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find number of updates done in PHP

What I am doing is editing the data of MySQL data using PHP using form.

I have two text field as name and mobile number. When I click on edit, I get same data in text field and below I have Save button. When I do changes I get response as done, but when I click edit and don't do any changes in text field and click Save I get response as fail.

Below is code for SAVE button.

$sql = mysql_query("
    UPDATE userInfo SET fullName='$fullName', 
    WHERE id=$tagNumberId"

if (mysql_affected_rows()==1) {
    echo "done";
} else {
    echo "fail";

I am worried about mysql_affected_rows().

Above makes me think that if data is same in UPDATE statement, mysql_affected_rows() will return 0 and if data is not same in UPDATE statement, mysql_affected_rows() will return 1.

Is this right? If it is right, how to deal with whether the update is done or not?


  • Use mysqli_info, just after executing the query

    $string = mysqli_info ( $link );

    returns a string having the relevant information, like for UPDATE

    Rows matched: 40 Changed: 40 Warnings: 0

    in your case, one row updated but no change, you should get

    Rows matched: 1 Changed: 0 Warnings: 0

    You can retrieve the value from

    preg_match("/Rows matched: (\d+)/", $string, $matches);
    $number_of_rows = intval($matches[1]);