I am storing points in a custom container and I would like to build the Delaunay triangulation on a subset of these points.
As the points already exist in the container I don't want the Delaunay triangulation to store copies of these points.
My point class is derived from Point_3 and contains several informations (booleans and ints).
In order to do that, I created a custom triangulation_vertex class :
template < typename GT, typename Pt, typename DSVb = Triangulation_ds_vertex_base_3<> >
class Convection_vertex : public DSVb
typedef typename DSVb::Cell_handle Cell_handle;
typedef GT Geom_traits;
typedef typename GT::Point_3 Point;
typedef typename Pt::Point_handle Point_handle;
template < typename TDS2 >
struct Rebind_TDS {
typedef typename DSVb::template Rebind_TDS<TDS2>::Other DSVb2;
typedef Convection_vertex<GT, Pt, DSVb2> Other;
static int rank_id;
int number_id;
bool discovered;
Point_handle _ph;
Convection_vertex() : DSVb(), number_id(rank_id++), discovered(false) {}
Convection_vertex(const Point_handle& p) : DSVb(), _ph(p), number_id(rank_id++), discovered(false) {}
Convection_vertex(const Point_handle& p, const Cell_handle& c) : DSVb(c), _ph(p), number_id(rank_id++), discovered(false) {}
Convection_vertex(const Cell_handle& c) : DSVb(c), number_id(rank_id++), discovered(false) {}
const Point& point() const
{ return (*_ph); }
Point& point()
{ return (*_ph); }
void set_point(const Point& p){ }
void set_point(const Point_handle& ph)
{ _ph = ph; }
void set_point_handle(Point_handle ph)
{ _ph = ph; }
const Point_handle& point_handle() const
{ return _ph; }
Point_handle& point_handle()
{ return _ph; }
To insert a point in the Delaunay triangulation I do:
DVertex_handle dvh = dt.insert(*p);
Where p is a point_handle (ie My_point*).
To delete a point in the Delaunay triangulation I do:
where dvh is a vertex_handle.
Inserting points in the triangulation is working fine, but I'm having issues removing points. Is my custom vertex class incorrect ?
Is there a better way to do that ?
dt is the Delaunay triangulation:
typedef CGAL::Convection_vertex<K,Point> Conv_Vb3d;
typedef CGAL::Convection_cell<K> Ce3d;
typedef CGAL::Triangulation_data_structure_3<Conv_Vb3d,Ce3d > Tds3d;
typedef CGAL::Delaunay_triangulation_3<K,Tds3d > Dh;
Dh dt;
@sloriot: Is this a good start ?
template < typename CK, bool UseStaticFilters, typename Pt >
struct Convection_traits
: public Filtered_kernel_adaptor<
typename CK:: template Base< Convection_traits<CK, UseStaticFilters,Pt> >::Type,
Convection_traits<CK, UseStaticFilters,Pt> >,
UseStaticFilters >
typedef Pt Point_3;
[...] // functors
Here is what I have done to use my point_handle as point in the Delaunay_triangulation:
template < typename K_, typename Pt >
class My_traits
K_ K;
typedef Pt Point_3;
typedef My_traits<K_, Pt> Self;
//triangulation traits
typedef typename K_::Segment_3 Segment_3;
typedef typename K_::Tetrahedron_3 Tetrahedron_3;
typedef typename K_::Triangle_3 Triangle_3;
typedef typename K_::Construct_segment_3 Construct_segment_3;
typedef typename K_::Construct_triangle_3 Construct_triangle_3;
typedef typename K_::Construct_tetrahedron_3 Construct_tetrahedron_3;
typedef typename K_::Compare_xyz_3 Compare_xyz_3;
typedef typename K_::Coplanar_orientation_3 Coplanar_orientation_3;
typedef typename K_::Orientation_3 Orientation_3;
Construct_tetrahedron_3 construct_tetrahedron_3_object () const{
return K.construct_tetrahedron_3_object ();
Construct_triangle_3 construct_triangle_3_object () const{
return K.construct_triangle_3_object ();
Construct_segment_3 construct_segment_3_object () const{
return K.construct_segment_3_object ();
Compare_xyz_3 compare_xyz_3_object () const{
return K.compare_xyz_3_object ();
Coplanar_orientation_3 coplanar_orientation_3_object () const{
return K.coplanar_orientation_3_object ();
Orientation_3 orientation_3_object () const{
return K.orientation_3_object ();
//delaunay triangulation traits
typedef typename K_::Line_3 Line_3;
typedef typename K_::Object_3 Object_3;
typedef typename K_::Ray_3 Ray_3;
typedef typename K_::Coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3 Coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3;
typedef typename K_::Side_of_oriented_sphere_3 Side_of_oriented_sphere_3;
typedef typename K_::Compare_distance_3 Compare_distance_3;
Coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3 coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3_object() const{
return K.coplanar_side_of_bounded_circle_3_object();
Side_of_oriented_sphere_3 side_of_oriented_sphere_3_object() const{
return K.side_of_oriented_sphere_3_object();
Compare_distance_3 compare_distance_3_object() const{
return K.compare_distance_3_object();