I get the ip(ipv4,such as,how can I get the subnet in which my pc is? java method and String format result is prefered.
subnet is network which is calculated using ip address and subnet mask
This is how you would do it in Java,
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class IPv4 {
int baseIPnumeric;
int netmaskNumeric;
public IPv4(String symbolicIP, String netmask) throws NumberFormatException {
/* IP */
String[] st = symbolicIP.split("\\.");
if (st.length != 4)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid IP address: " + symbolicIP);
int i = 24;
baseIPnumeric = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < st.length; n++) {
int value = Integer.parseInt(st[n]);
if (value != (value & 0xff)) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid IP address: "+ symbolicIP);
baseIPnumeric += value << i;
i -= 8;
/* Netmask */
st = netmask.split("\\.");
if (st.length != 4)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid netmask address: "
+ netmask);
i = 24;
netmaskNumeric = 0;
if (Integer.parseInt(st[0]) < 255) {
throw new NumberFormatException(
"The first byte of netmask can not be less than 255");
for (int n = 0; n < st.length; n++) {
int value = Integer.parseInt(st[n]);
if (value != (value & 0xff)) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid netmask address: " + netmask);
netmaskNumeric += value << i;
i -= 8;
* see if there are zeroes inside netmask, like: 1111111101111 This is
* illegal, throw exception if encountered. Netmask should always have
* only ones, then only zeroes, like: 11111111110000
boolean encounteredOne = false;
int ourMaskBitPattern = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if ((netmaskNumeric & ourMaskBitPattern) != 0) {
encounteredOne = true; // the bit is 1
} else { // the bit is 0
if (encounteredOne == true)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid netmask: " + netmask + " (bit " + (i + 1) + ")");
ourMaskBitPattern = ourMaskBitPattern << 1;
* Specify IP in CIDR format like: new IPv4("");
*@param IPinCIDRFormat
public IPv4(String IPinCIDRFormat) throws NumberFormatException {
String[] st = IPinCIDRFormat.split("\\/");
if (st.length != 2)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid CIDR format '"
+ IPinCIDRFormat + "', should be: xx.xx.xx.xx/xx");
String symbolicIP = st[0];
String symbolicCIDR = st[1];
Integer numericCIDR = new Integer(symbolicCIDR);
if (numericCIDR > 32)
throw new NumberFormatException("CIDR can not be greater than 32");
/* IP */
st = symbolicIP.split("\\.");
if (st.length != 4)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid IP address: " + symbolicIP);
int i = 24;
baseIPnumeric = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < st.length; n++) {
int value = Integer.parseInt(st[n]);
if (value != (value & 0xff)) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid IP address: " + symbolicIP);
baseIPnumeric += value << i;
i -= 8;
/* netmask from CIDR */
if (numericCIDR < 8)
throw new NumberFormatException("Netmask CIDR can not be less than 8");
netmaskNumeric = 0xffffffff;
netmaskNumeric = netmaskNumeric << (32 - numericCIDR);
* Get the IP in symbolic form, i.e. xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
public String getIP() {
return convertNumericIpToSymbolic(baseIPnumeric);
private String convertNumericIpToSymbolic(Integer ip) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(15);
for (int shift = 24; shift > 0; shift -= 8) {
// process 3 bytes, from high order byte down.
sb.append(Integer.toString((ip >>> shift) & 0xff));
sb.append(Integer.toString(ip & 0xff));
return sb.toString();
* Get the net mask in symbolic form, i.e. xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
public String getNetmask() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(15);
for (int shift = 24; shift > 0; shift -= 8) {
// process 3 bytes, from high order byte down.
sb.append(Integer.toString((netmaskNumeric >>> shift) & 0xff));
sb.append(Integer.toString(netmaskNumeric & 0xff));
return sb.toString();
* Get the IP and netmask in CIDR form, i.e. xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx
public String getCIDR() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if ((netmaskNumeric << i) == 0)
return convertNumericIpToSymbolic(baseIPnumeric & netmaskNumeric) + "/" + i;
* Get an arry of all the IP addresses available for the IP and netmask/CIDR
* given at initialization
public List<String> getAvailableIPs(Integer numberofIPs) {
ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
int numberOfBits;
for (numberOfBits = 0; numberOfBits < 32; numberOfBits++) {
if ((netmaskNumeric << numberOfBits) == 0)
Integer numberOfIPs = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < (32 - numberOfBits); n++) {
numberOfIPs = numberOfIPs << 1;
numberOfIPs = numberOfIPs | 0x01;
Integer baseIP = baseIPnumeric & netmaskNumeric;
for (int i = 1; i < (numberOfIPs) && i < numberofIPs; i++) {
Integer ourIP = baseIP + i;
String ip = convertNumericIpToSymbolic(ourIP);
return result;
* Range of hosts
public String getHostAddressRange() {
int numberOfBits;
for (numberOfBits = 0; numberOfBits < 32; numberOfBits++) {
if ((netmaskNumeric << numberOfBits) == 0)
Integer numberOfIPs = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < (32 - numberOfBits); n++) {
numberOfIPs = numberOfIPs << 1;
numberOfIPs = numberOfIPs | 0x01;
Integer baseIP = baseIPnumeric & netmaskNumeric;
String firstIP = convertNumericIpToSymbolic(baseIP + 1);
String lastIP = convertNumericIpToSymbolic(baseIP + numberOfIPs - 1);
return firstIP + " - " + lastIP;
* Returns number of hosts available in given range
*@return number of hosts
public Long getNumberOfHosts() {
int numberOfBits;
for (numberOfBits = 0; numberOfBits < 32; numberOfBits++) {
if ((netmaskNumeric << numberOfBits) == 0)
Double x = Math.pow(2, (32 - numberOfBits));
if (x == -1)
x = 1D;
return x.longValue();
* The XOR of the netmask
*@return wildcard mask in text form, i.e.
public String getWildcardMask() {
Integer wildcardMask = netmaskNumeric ^ 0xffffffff;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(15);
for (int shift = 24; shift > 0; shift -= 8) {
// process 3 bytes, from high order byte down.
sb.append(Integer.toString((wildcardMask >>> shift) & 0xff));
sb.append(Integer.toString(wildcardMask & 0xff));
return sb.toString();
public String getBroadcastAddress() {
if (netmaskNumeric == 0xffffffff)
return "";
int numberOfBits;
for (numberOfBits = 0; numberOfBits < 32; numberOfBits++) {
if ((netmaskNumeric << numberOfBits) == 0)
Integer numberOfIPs = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < (32 - numberOfBits); n++) {
numberOfIPs = numberOfIPs << 1;
numberOfIPs = numberOfIPs | 0x01;
Integer baseIP = baseIPnumeric & netmaskNumeric;
Integer ourIP = baseIP + numberOfIPs;
String ip = convertNumericIpToSymbolic(ourIP);
return ip;
private String getBinary(Integer number) {
String result = "";
Integer ourMaskBitPattern = 1;
for (int i = 1; i <= 32; i++) {
if ((number & ourMaskBitPattern) != 0) {
result = "1" + result; // the bit is 1
} else { // the bit is 0
result = "0" + result;
if ((i % 8) == 0 && i != 0 && i != 32)
result = "." + result;
ourMaskBitPattern = ourMaskBitPattern << 1;
return result;
public String getNetmaskInBinary() {
return getBinary(netmaskNumeric);
* Checks if the given IP address contains in subnet
*@param IPaddress
public boolean contains(String IPaddress) {
Integer checkingIP = 0;
String[] st = IPaddress.split("\\.");
if (st.length != 4)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid IP address: " + IPaddress);
int i = 24;
for (int n = 0; n < st.length; n++) {
int value = Integer.parseInt(st[n]);
if (value != (value & 0xff)) {
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid IP address: "
+ IPaddress);
checkingIP += value << i;
i -= 8;
if ((baseIPnumeric & netmaskNumeric) == (checkingIP & netmaskNumeric))
return true;
return false;
public boolean contains(IPv4 child) {
Integer subnetID = child.baseIPnumeric;
Integer subnetMask = child.netmaskNumeric;
if ((subnetID & this.netmaskNumeric) == (this.baseIPnumeric & this.netmaskNumeric)) {
if ((this.netmaskNumeric < subnetMask) == true
&& this.baseIPnumeric <= subnetID) {
return true;
return false;
*@param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
IPv4 ipv4 = new IPv4(""); //30 is the CIDR for Mask