In the code below I assign the gobal variable "myDiv" a jQuery element. But then inside the "test()" function it seems the myDiv variable is declared but not defined. I have to reassign it $('myDiv') again before I can do anything with it.
The Bogus variable xyz seems to be reachable just fine though...
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Javascript Test Code</title>
<script src="js/jquery-1.9.0.min.js"></script>
var App = App || (function () {
var myDiv = $('#myDiv'), // define a global jQuery element variable.
xyz = 'xyz'; // and a bogus variable as a test.
function test()
console.log('running test...','myDiv is', myDiv); // length is 0
console.log('xyz is ', xyz); // says xyz
myDiv = $('#myDiv'); // after selecting with jQuery...
console.log('running test...','myDiv is', myDiv); //length is 1
console.log('xyz is ', xyz); // still says xyz
return {test:test}
<div id="myDiv"></div>
There is no access to elements from the head of the document because nothing is rendered. This line
var App = App || (function () {
will execute the self executing function because App at that point is undefined.
Once the self executing function is ran, it will look for $('#myDiv')
but since the element does not exist, it will not be found (this is always why you get a length of 0 for the elements array which matches the selector).
Later, when you attempt to access the App
it will have already been built.
Which means that the call to App
returns the already built App
from the self executing function, with the values already stored from when it executed in the head of the document.
When you call the function test
the state that was loaded is reflected. However, lower in the function you issue
myDiv = $('#myDiv'); // after selecting with jQuery...
once the page has already been loaded (since we are inside of the jquery ready callback already). This will find the element on the page since the DOM has already been rendered and update the value.