I'm using an HTML5 audio player (Speakker). I've created a function to dynamically create a playlist, but I'm not sure how to implement the playlist once I've created it. This seems like the sort of thing that someone with more experience might just take for granted. I hope that's the case.
Create the playlist. Check.
<?php $playlist= "{\"playlist\": [";?>
<?php foreach ($items as $item){
$titlemetadata= metadata($item, array('Dublin Core', 'Title'));
foreach($item->Files as $file) {
// print_r($file);
$sourcemetadata= metadata($file, 'uri');
$imagemetadata= metadata($file, 'thumbnail_uri');
if (strpos($file["filename"], 'mp3') !== false) {
$playlist .=
"\"0\": {\"src\":\"$sourcemetadata\", \"type\":\"audio/mp3\"},
{\"title\": \"$titlemetadata\",
\"poster\": \"$imagemetadata\"}";
<?php $playlist .= "]}";?>
<?php echo $playlist;?>
Implement the playlist? Nope.
<audio class="projekktor speakker dark">
<source src= ??THE PLAYLIST?? type="application/json"/>
I got it worked out. Here's a solution:
<?php $collections=get_records("collection", array("public"=>"true","featured"=>"true"));
$items=get_records("item", array("collection"=>$current_collection));
$playlist= "[";
foreach ($items as $item){
$titlemetadata= metadata($item, array("Dublin Core", "Title"));
foreach($item->Files as $file) {
$sourcemetadata= metadata($file, "uri");
$imagemetadata= metadata($file, "thumbnail_uri");
if (strpos($file["filename"], "mp3") !== false) {
$playlist .=
"{\"0\": {\"src\":\"$sourcemetadata\", \"type\":\"audio/mp3\"},
{\"title\": \"$titlemetadata\",
\"poster\": \"$imagemetadata\"}},";
$playlist .= "]";?>
$string = '$(document).ready(function() {projekktor(".projekktor").setFile(' . $playlist . ');});';