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some files are missing! using numerics 2.4.0

I'm using Math.Net numerics ver 2.4.0 in my C# project, winform and after running the project and doing some parts it says:

find a source:ManagedLinearAlgebraProvider.Double original location: c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\d4ecde2945c804d6\src\Numerics\Algorithms\LinearAlgebra\ManagedLinearAlgebraProvider.Double.

and open a window to locate it when I press cancel the program continuous But entries of my matrices changes to NAN.

This is not the only file it wants, each time it needs a different file. What should I do?

I thought package is miss installed so I removed it and install it again but it didn't work.

1,2 and these are pictures of error.(Click on Blue 1 & 2)


  • this happens when there is a logical problem with matrix operation , for example if a matrix is not a square matrix but in code you try to inverse it, this error appears.

    my problem was in math of my program... and fixed finally.