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LESS transition mixin

Can someone show how to use the following LESS mixin to transition the following property for .25s with linear ease?

border-top: 6px solid #ff3300;

.transition-properties(...) {
@props: ~`"@{arguments}".replace(/[\[\]]/g, '')`;
-webkit-transition-property: @props;
-moz-transition-property: @props;
-o-transition-property: @props;
transition-property: @props;


  • Update: LESS 1.4+ Capability

    With LESS 1.4, the javascript used in the original answer for the comma separated arguments is not needed. Instead, the use of a "dummy" semicolon at the end of the argument string causes the commas to be viewed as list separators, not argument separators, so this works now when imputing multiple transitions:

    LESS 1.4+

    The semicolon in the mixin call (.transition-properties(border-top .25s linear, color .5s linear;);)is very important. If it is ommited, the comma between the two parameters will be deleted which ends up in an invalid css rule.

    .transition-properties(...) {
      -webkit-transition: @arguments;
      -moz-transition: @arguments;
      -o-transition: @arguments;
      transition: @arguments;
    .yourClass {
      border-top: 1px solid black;
      .transition-properties(border-top .25s linear, color .5s linear;); /* semicolon is necessary */
    }                                                                |
                                                              NOTE THIS SEMICOLON
    .yourClass:hover {
      border-top: 6px solid #ff3300;

    CSS Output

    Note the comma stayed between the two property values:

    .yourClass {
      border-top: 1px solid black;
      -webkit-transition: border-top 0.25s linear, color 0.5s linear;
      -moz-transition: border-top 0.25s linear, color 0.5s linear;
      -o-transition: border-top 0.25s linear, color 0.5s linear;
      transition: border-top 0.25s linear, color 0.5s linear;
    .yourClass:hover {
      border-top: 6px solid #ff3300;

    Original Answer [Pre LESS 1.4]

    Obviously, specifics will depend on your exact implementation. However, this illustrates in general how you would use it:


    .transition-properties(...) {
    @props: ~`"@{arguments}".replace(/[\[\]]/g, '')`;
    -webkit-transition: @props;
    -moz-transition: @props;
    -o-transition: @props;
    transition: @props;
    .yourClass {
      border-top: 1px solid black;
      .transition-properties(border-top .25s linear);
    .yourClass:hover {
      border-top: 6px solid #ff3300;

    CSS Output

    .yourClass {
      border-top: 1px solid black;
      -webkit-transition: border-top 0.25s linear;
      -moz-transition: border-top 0.25s linear;
      -o-transition: border-top 0.25s linear;
      transition: border-top 0.25s linear;
    .yourClass:hover {
      border-top: 6px solid #ff3300;

    See Example Fiddle


    What the

    @props: ~`"@{arguments}".replace(/[\[\]]/g, '')`;

    allows you to do is put in multiple comma separated transitions, say:

    .transition-properties(border-top .25s linear, color 1s linear);

    Which will compile to keep them separated by a comma (just one line shown for example):

    transition: border-top 0.25s linear, color 1s linear;

    If you just used the straight @arguments you end up with no comma separation:

    transition: border-top 0.25s linear color 1s linear;

    Which is not correct for the property.