I have a Java class 'QueAndAns' which has one field
private Map<String,String> questionAndAnswerMap;
On my JSP page I have
<form:form action="${submitURL}" method="POST" modelAttribute="queAndAns">
<c:forEach items="${queAndAns.questionAndAnswerMap}" var="questionAndAnswer" varStatus="status">
<form:input id="securityQuestions${status.index}" path="questionAndAnswerMap[${questionAndAnswer.key} ${questionAndAnswer.value}]"/>
<form:errors cssClass="errors" id="_securityQuestions_error_id" path="questionAndAnswerMap"/>
<input id="proceed" type="submit" value="${fn:escapeXml(find_button)}"/>
Now at my controller I want to see if user have answered all questions, else I want to return it with bindingResult.rejectValue
. I'm trying something like this:
Map<String, String> questionAndAnswerMap = queAndAns.getQuestionAndAnswerMap();
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> iterator = questionAndAnswerMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, String> map = iterator.next();
if (null == map.getValue() || StringUtils.isEmpty(map.getValue())) {
bindingResult.rejectValue("questionAndAnswerMap" , "err_qna_not_blank", "Please fill up the answer for security questions");
but its not working.
Is there any way I can do it?
I've been struggling with this last few hours too. And finally found the solution:
Your path definition should look like this
<form:input id="securityQuestions${status.index}" path="questionAndAnswerMap['${questionAndAnswer.key}']"/>
<form:errors cssClass="errors" id="_securityQuestions_error_id" path="questionAndAnswerMap['${questionAndAnswer.key}']"/>
And your validation should look like this
bindingResult.rejectValue( "questionAndAnswerMap['"+map.getKey()+"']" , "err_qna_not_blank", "Please fill up the answer for security questions");
I also tried to use 'nestedPath' tag and 'pushNestedPath()' method in a 'BindingResult' to make it more clean (without string concatenation) but it seems that it is not possible.