I already have a inventory system which accesses a certain table on a certain database.
Now I want to create a new frame that will serve as a login form before the user can proceed to the main inventory system frame.
I want it to access the same database but different table, (ex. user_table and item_table under the inventory_system_db database).
If the user logged on an admin account then he can access the inventory system with admin controls (ex. edit, add, delete).
And when he logged on as a normal user he will be able to access the inventory system but without admin controls.
Things I want to know:
If you want a Login Dialog just check the code below.
public class LoginPane extends JDialog implements ActionListener {
String itsUsername = "";
String itsPassword = "";
boolean itsFirst = true;
boolean itsKeep = false;
JTextField itsUserField = new JTextField(15);
JPasswordField itsPassField = new JPasswordField(15);
JCheckBox itsKeepBox = new JCheckBox("Save details:", false);
boolean itsInit = false;
public LoginPane() {
getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2));
getContentPane().add(new JLabel("Username:"));
getContentPane().add(new JLabel("Password"));
JButton submit = new JButton("done");
public String[] getLogin() {
if (!itsKeep && !itsFirst) {
return null;
if (!itsInit) {
return null;
itsFirst = false;
String[] res = new String[2];
res[0] = itsUsername;
res[1] = itsPassword;
if (!itsKeep) {
itsUsername = "";
itsPassword = "";
return res;
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
itsUsername = itsUserField.getText();
itsPassword = new String(itsPassField.getPassword());
itsKeep = itsKeepBox.isSelected();
itsInit = true;
You can add action for button as you wish!