I am creating a javascript xpcom component Its source is as follows-
function callback() { }
callback.prototype = {
classDescription: "My Hello World Javascript XPCOM Component",
classID: Components.ID("{3459D788-D284-4ef0-8AFF-96CBAF51BD35}"),
contractID: "@jscallback.p2psearch.com/f2f;1",
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Components.interfaces.ICallback]),
alert("Received: " +data);
alert("Status: "+data);
alert("Expr: "+expr);
var components = [callback];
function NSGetModule(compMgr, fileSpec) {
return XPCOMUtils.generateModule(components);
When I call it using:
try {
const p2pjcid = "@jscallback.p2psearch.com/f2f;1";
var jobj = Components.classes[p2pjcid].createInstance();
jobj = jobj.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.ICallback);
jobj.received("Hello from javascript")
catch (err) {
I get Error as :
[Exception... "'[JavaScript Error: "alert is not defined" {file: "file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/mypc/Application%20Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/ngi5btaf.default/extensions/spsarolkar@gmail/components/callback.js" line: 11}]' when calling method: [ICallback::received]" nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://sample/content/clock.js :: initClock :: line 28" data: yes]
That's because alert
is not defined in XPCOM code (though you can get the component). It's not a good idea to alert in an extension as it blocks the user from interacting with the page(s) they are on. Use the non-modal toaster-box notification function:
const alert = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/alerts-service;1']
Use it in the following syntax: alert(icon, title, body)
Here's more info on MDC.