Convert user input of meters to feet and inches with the
// following format (16ft. 4in.). Disable the button so that
// the user is forced to clear the form.
Problem is that I don't know how to put both string and int value in one text Field, than how can i set them to in if else statement
private void ConversionActionPerformed(ActionEvent e )
String s =(FourthTextField.getText());
int val = Integer.parseInt(FifthTextField.getText());
double INCHES = 0.0254001;
double FEET = 0.3048;
double meters;
if(s.equals("in" ) )
FourthTextField.setText(" " + val*INCHES + "inch");
else if(s.equals("ft"))
FourthTextField.setText(" " +val*FEET + "feet");
Is it possible to add both string and int value in one JTextField
You could do ...
FourthTextField.setText(" " + (val*INCHES) + "inch");
FourthTextField.setText(" " + Double.toString(val*INCHES) + "inch");
FourthTextField.setText(" " + NumberFormat.getNumberInstance().format(val*INCHES) + "inch");
If all you care about is extract the numeric portion of the text, you could do something like this...
String value = "1.9m";
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\d+([.]\\d+)?");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(value);
String match = null;
while (matcher.find()) {
int startIndex = matcher.start();
int endIndex = matcher.end();
match =;
This will output 1.9
, having stripped of every after the m
. This would allow you to extract the numeric element of the String
and convert to a number for conversion.
This will handle both whole and decimal numbers.