I am having a hard time to get an id from a nested tab.
I have tabs and inside of each tab I have nested tabs. I have no problem getting the id from the top tab.
Now I would like to check wich tab is active but it must be from a group of tabs within the top selected tab.
//Top tabs
var topTabs = $('.tabs').tabs();
//Current selected top tab
var curSelected = topTabs.tabs('option', 'selected');
//Here how can I get the subtab? NON FUNCTIONAL EXAMPLE
var secondTabSelected = $(curSelected ).children($('.subtabs').('option', 'selected'));
Any idea to archive this in a straight forward way?
Without seeing more of your code, I can only assume how your html is setup. But, personally, I would use tab's activate event when calling $('.subtabs').tabs()
rather than binding an event listener later.
activate: function( event, ui ) {
//get relative li index
var secondTabSelected = $(ui.newTab).index();
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/dirtyd77/b8uf2/2/
Hope this helps and let me know if you need anything else!