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photoswipe won't return to the original page

I am using photoswipe to show my gallery when clicking on a item.

My markup:

<ul id="gallery_mobile_about">
            <a href="/files/uploads/Detalle-Magrana.jpg" style="background-image: url('/files/uploads/Detalle-Magrana.jpg');" data-iframe="" data-pos="0" data-url="/files/uploads/Detalle-Magrana.jpg" class="gallery-item ui-link"></a>
            <a href="/files/uploads/Figues-de-Moro.jpg" style="background-image: url('/files/uploads/Figues-de-Moro.jpg');" data-iframe="" data-pos="1" data-url="/files/uploads/Figues-de-Moro.jpg" class="gallery-item ui-link">

            <a href="/files/uploads/Cala-Deià-50x30cm1-1024x782.jpg" style="background-image: url('/files/uploads/Cala-Deià-50x30cm1-1024x782.jpg');" data-iframe="" data-pos="2" data-url="/files/uploads/Cala-Deià-50x30cm1-1024x782.jpg" class="gallery-item ui-link">
            <a href="/files/uploads/Deia-Church-on-Cala-rock.jpg" style="background-image: url('/files/uploads/Deia-Church-on-Cala-rock.jpg');" data-iframe="" data-pos="3" data-url="/files/uploads/Deia-Church-on-Cala-rock.jpg" class="gallery-item ui-link">

The js:

    var myPhotoSwipe = $("#gallery_mobile_about a").photoSwipe(
    { enableMouseWheel: false , 
        enableKeyboard: false } 

The problem is that even that the gallery seems to load, as a backgound i see a white page with the text 'undefined' and on closing the galler page will stay as this white page (is not returning to the original view)

The result (hit on a image where it says 5 items in gallery):

What am I seem to be missing here?


  • Adding rel="external" solved this