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VoiceXML how to specify the way the TTS repeats a value

I am having issues getting the voice browser to repeat my field value as a series of numbers rather than a large multi-digit number. For example, my field will collect the input using type 'digits' or 'numbers' - in this case it was a transfer extension. In the filled portion I have the collected value repeated back. Instead of hearing extension number 2345 spoken as '2-3-4-5' it is spoken as 'two thousand three hundred fourty five'.

How can I have the value repeated sequentially? I tried specifying a 'say-as' tag, but to no avail. Below is the code I attempted this with:

<field name="extension" type="digits?length=4">
  <prompt bargein="false">
    Please dial in or say the extension of the <value expr="application.extensionValues" /> you are trying to reach.
  <grammar type="application/x-nuance-gsl">
    [ dtmf-1 dtmf-2 dtmf-3 dtmf-4 dtmf-5 dtmf-6 dtmf-7 dtmf-8 dtmf-9 dtmf-0 ]
  <grammar type="application/x-nuance-gsl">
    [ one two three four five six seven eight nine ]

    I received extension number <say-as interpret-as="vxml:number"><value expr="extension"/></say-as>.  Transfering you now.


Yes the platform I am using is the "BeVocal Cafe" development enviornment. I am pointing it's IVR to a URI where I have the vxml scripts stored.

Unfortunately your suggestion did not work for me. I attempted to change the interpret-as value to "telephone" and the interpreter did not understand and errored out. I attempted to use "characters" which looked more like what I wanted and while there was no error, the interpreter logs stated that the interpret-as value was 'unknown'


  • The say-as tag is the way to go. Try changing interpret-as attribute to telephone: