I'm writing the persistence layer for the SecureSocial plugin of Play 2 framework. I found an example at https://github.com/play-modules/modules.playframework.org/blob/master/app/models/ss/MPOOAuth2Info.java:
package models.ss;
import models.AbstractModel;
import securesocial.core.java.OAuth2Info;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
public class MPOOAuth2Info extends AbstractModel
public String accessToken;
public String tokenType;
public Integer expiresIn;
public String refreshToken;
public MPOOAuth2Info()
// no-op
public MPOOAuth2Info(OAuth2Info oAuth2Info)
this.accessToken = oAuth2Info.accessToken;
this.tokenType = oAuth2Info.tokenType;
this.expiresIn = oAuth2Info.expiresIn;
this.refreshToken = oAuth2Info.refreshToken;
public OAuth2Info toOAuth2Info()
OAuth2Info oAuth2Info = new OAuth2Info();
oAuth2Info.accessToken = this.accessToken;
oAuth2Info.tokenType = this.tokenType;
oAuth2Info.expiresIn = this.expiresIn;
oAuth2Info.refreshToken = this.refreshToken;
return oAuth2Info;
But the API was changed so I can't use securesocial.core.java.OAuth2Info
. SecureSocial is written by Scala and this class was a Java front-end. So I decided to use Scala directly where:
case class OAuth2Info(accessToken: String, tokenType: Option[String] = None,
expiresIn: Option[Int] = None, refreshToken: Option[String] = None)
My result:
package models.security.securesocial;
import models.AbstractModel;
import scala.Option;
import securesocial.core.*;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
* Persistence wrapper for SecureSocial's {@link } class.
* @author Steve Chaloner (steve@objectify.be)
public class MPOOAuth2Info extends AbstractModel
public String accessToken;
public String tokenType;
public Integer expiresIn;
public String refreshToken;
public MPOOAuth2Info(){
// no-op
public MPOOAuth2Info(OAuth2Info oAuth2Info){
this.accessToken = oAuth2Info.accessToken();
this.tokenType = oAuth2Info.tokenType().get();
this.expiresIn = scala.Int.unbox(oAuth2Info.expiresIn().get());
this.refreshToken = oAuth2Info.refreshToken().get();
public OAuth2Info toOAuth2Info(){
return new OAuth2Info(accessToken, Option.apply(tokenType), Option.apply(SOME_TRANSFORMATION(expiresIn)), Option.apply(refreshToken));
But I have problems with convertation of scala.Int
to/from java.lang.Integer
To convert scala.Int
to java.lang.Integer
I used scala.Int.unbox()
. Is it connect way? And I don't know how to convert java.lang.Integer
to scala.Int
: in the code I typed pseudo code SOME_TRANSFORMATION()
. What is the correct implementation of this SOME_TRANSFORMATION?
Thank you
scala.Int.unbox(new java.lang.Integer(3))
gives Int = 3
gives Integer = 3