I have a observable array, with a list of values, every value has a percent calculated by :
100 * valueQuantity / valuetotal
valueQuantity = input value
valueTotal = value0 + value1 + value2
If the user changes a value, the valuetotal
needs to change and a recalculation has to be performed for the values (value0, value1 and value2) in the selected row.
I am using an extender to calculate the percent.
sample : JS fiddle sample
I need to update the values after changing a value in the table.
Each value you need in the calculation that can be changed needs to be a ko.observable in the model. For example:
{ name: "CEP 7", value0: ko.observable(50), percent0: 0, value1: ko.observable(50), percent1: 0, value2: ko.observable(20), percent2: 0 },
Whichever value should be computed, should be a ko.computed value, not an observable. For example:
percent0: ko.computed(function() {
return this.value0() / (parseFloat(this.value0()) + parseFloat(this.value1()) + parseFloat(this.value2()));
Then your binders should "just work". Your use of declaring ko.observables in the markup seems unusual.