I have created two custom entities using hook_entity_info in drupal 7.The entities is created for the given database tables. I am able to create a view for each of the entities separately.But want to create a view of both entities together.The "relationship" option in view displays "no relationship available". And add fields option displays only the field of the secleted entity.
How do I relate both entities?
I was able to come with two solutions:
1)using relation ,relation end field,relation UI
2)using hook_views_data_alter
example from commerce module:
Function hook_views_data_alter(){
// Expose the uid as a relationship to users.
$data['users']['uc_orders'] = array(
'title' => t('Orders'),
'help' => t('Relate a user to the orders they have placed. This relationship will create one record for each order placed by the user.'),
'relationship' => array(
'base' => 'uc_orders',
'base field' => 'uid',
'relationship field' => 'uid',
'handler' => 'views_handler_relationship',
'label' => t('orders'),