Search code examples

Issues in dynamically adding multiple text boxes

  • There are two text boxes inline having a "+" sign adjacent to them. On clicking on the plus sign a new text box is added and it will have the "+" as well as "-" sign for adding and removing the text box respectively. I used this resource to implement my text boxes. Now, I want only 10 textboxes to be added for each of them. Means 10 textboxes for keyword[] and 10 textboxes for link_name[] as you can see in the name of the input tag. But with this code its not working.

    If I keep on adding textboxes for keyword[], then 19 text boxes are added and then if I try to add a text box for link_name[] then it doesn't add a single text box and displays the maximum limit reached.

    If addition is done vice versa, it works properly.

  • Also another issue is that the bounce effect is not working. Not much familiar with effects so not able to find the reason why it isn't working.

jQuery and HTML are shown below:


$(document).ready(function() {
    var id_1 = 2, max = 9, append_data;
    /*If add_1 icon was clicked*/
    $("#add_1").live('click', function(){
        if($("div[id^='txt_']").length <9){ //Don't add new text box if limit is reached
            $(this).remove(); //remove add icon from the current text box
            var append_data = '<div id="txt_'+id_1+'" class="txt_div" style="display:none;"><div class="left"><input type="text" id="input_'+id_2+'" name="link_name[]"/></div><div class="right"><img src="add.png" id="add_1"/> <img src="remove.png" id="remove_1"/></div></div>';
            $("#textboxes_1").append(append_data); //append new text box in main div
            $("#txt_"+id_1).effect("bounce", { times:3 }, 300); //display block appended text box with silde down
            alert("Maximum 10 textboxes are allowed");  
        var prev_obj = $(this).parents().eq(1).prev().attr('id'); //prev div id of this text_box
        $(this).parents().eq(1).slideUp('medium', function() { $(this).remove(); //remove this text box with a slide up
        if($("div[id^='txt_']").length >1){
            append_data = '<img src = "remove.png" id = "remove_1"/>';
            append_data = '';
        if($("#add_1").length< 1){
            $("#"+prev_obj+" .right").html('<img src = "add.png" id = "add_1"/>'+append_data);


    /*If add_2 icon was clicked*/
    var id_2 = 12, max = 19;
    $("#add_2").live('click', function(){
        if($("div[id^='txt_']").length <19){ //Don't add new text box if limit is reached
            $(this).remove(); //remove add icon from the current text box
            var append_data = '<div id="txt_'+id_2+'" class="txt_div" style="display:none;"><div class="left"><input type="text" id="input_'+id_2+'" name="keyword[]"/></div><div class="right"><img src="add.png" id="add_2"/> <img src="remove.png" id="remove_2"/></div></div>';
            $("#textboxes_2").append(append_data); //append new text box in main div
            $("#txt_"+id_2).effect("bounce", { times:3 }, 300); //display block appended text box with silde down
            alert("Maximum 10 textboxes are allowed");  
        var prev_obj = $(this).parents().eq(1).prev().attr('id'); //prev div id of this text_box
        $(this).parents().eq(1).slideUp('medium', function() { $(this).remove(); //remove this text box with a slide up
        if($("div[id^='txt_']").length >1){
            append_data = '<img src = "remove.png" id = "remove_2"/>';
            append_data = '';
        if($("#add_2").length< 1){
            $("#"+prev_obj+" .right").html('<img src = "add.png" id = "add_2"/>'+append_data);


<div id="textboxes_1" class="inline">
    <div id="text_1" class="text_div">
        <div class="left">
            <input type="text" id="input_1" value="Enter URL(s) here" name="link_name[]" />
        <div class="right">
            <img src="add.png" id="add_1" />
<div id="textboxes_2" class="inline">
    <div id="text_11" class="text_div">
        <div class="left">
            <input type="text" id="input_11" value="Enter Keyword(s) here" name="keyword[]" />
        <div class="right">
            <img src="add.png" id="add_2" />
<div style="clear:left;"></div>
<input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="SUBMIT">


  • OK, so answer is simple You have made a few logical mistakes, below is Your code with some fixes described in comments:

    $(document).ready(function() {
    var id_1 = 2, max = 9, append_data;
    /*If add_1 icon was clicked*/
    $("#add_1").live('click', function(){
        if($("#textboxes_1 input").length <10){ //Don't add new text box if limit is reached
    // Here You have to check #textboxes_1 for his own input's, and You have to give 10 not 9, becouse lenght is allways actual number of elements
            $(this).remove(); //remove add icon from the current text box
            var append_data = '<div id="txt_'+id_1+'" class="txt_div"><div class="left"><input type="text" id="input_'+id_1+'" name="link_name[]"/></div><div class="right"><img src="add.png" id="add_1"/> <img src="remove.png" id="remove_1"/></div></div>';
    // in the code abowe You give id="input_'+id_2+'", I belive it should be id="input_'+id_1+'"
            $("#textboxes_1").append(append_data); //append new text box in main div
            $("#txt_"+id_1).effect("bounce", { times:3 }, 300); //display block appended text box with silde down
            alert("Maximum 10 textboxes are allowed");  
        var prev_obj = $(this).parents().eq(1).prev().attr('id'); //prev div id of this text_box
        $(this).parents().eq(1).slideUp('medium', function() { $(this).remove(); //remove this text box with a slide up
        if($("div[id^='txt_']").length >1){
            append_data = '<img src = "remove.png" id = "remove_1"/>';
            append_data = '';
        if($("#add_1").length< 1){
            $("#"+prev_obj+" .right").html('<img src = "add.png" id = "add_1"/>'+append_data);
    /*If add_2 icon was clicked*/
    var id_2 = 12, max = 19;
    $("#add_2").live('click', function(){
        if($("#textboxes_2 input").length <20){ //Don't add new text box if limit is reached
    // The same issue was here as well
            $(this).remove(); //remove add icon from the current text box
            var append_data = '<div id="txt_'+id_2+'" class="txt_div" ><div class="left"><input type="text" id="input_'+id_2+'" name="keyword[]"/></div><div class="right"><img src="add.png" id="add_2"/> <img src="remove.png" id="remove_2"/></div></div>';
            $("#textboxes_2").append(append_data); //append new text box in main div
            $("#txt_"+id_2).effect("bounce", { times:3 }, 300); //display block appended text box with silde down
            alert("Maximum 10 textboxes are allowed");  
        var prev_obj = $(this).parents().eq(1).prev().attr('id'); //prev div id of this text_box
        $(this).parents().eq(1).slideUp('medium', function() { $(this).remove(); //remove this text box with a slide up
        if($("div[id^='txt_']").length >1){
            append_data = '<img src = "remove.png" id = "remove_2"/>';
            append_data = '';
        if($("#add_2").length< 1){
            $("#"+prev_obj+" .right").html('<img src = "add.png" id = "add_2"/>'+append_data);
