I have a CI view which uses jquery tab to show some content. One of the tabs loads another controller which uses grocery crud. So the initial display is embeded inside this view. However if I try to edit or update it opens it in a completely seperate page and from then all actions on the grocery crud is in a separate page. How can I embed grocery crud inside a CI view?
This is not yet supported in grocery CRUD but it will be supported as for the new big release of version 1.4 that it is not yet released. If you like to implement the alpha version at your project, you can simply download the latest zip file from github https://github.com/scoumbourdis/grocery-crud (https://github.com/scoumbourdis/grocery-crud/archive/master.zip) and simply go to: application/config/grocery_crud.php and change the line:
$config['grocery_crud_dialog_forms'] = false;
$config['grocery_crud_dialog_forms'] = true;
That's it actually :) . You can see some scrennshort to make sure that this is what you need.
I suggest though for you to wait, at least for the BETA version to release, as it is not 100% done yet.