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Load ZUL from Jar

anyone know how to load a Zul from a Jar? I have a library project wich contains Zul. currently i use createComponents(String uri, Component parent, Map arg) but i don't know or can't reference a uri in a jar.

I use now:

public static Component createComponentsFromJar(final String path, final Component parent, final Map<?,?> arg) throws IOException {
    final InputStream resourceAsStream = ComponentHelper.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(path);
    final PageDefinition pageDefinition = Executions.getCurrent().getPageDefinitionDirectly(new InputStreamReader(resourceAsStream), "zul");
    return Executions.createComponents(pageDefinition, parent, arg);

does any know some problems with this method of creating new pages? Some binding problems or someting?


  • Executions.createComponents will work with ZK Specific URI (refer to Inter-Application Communication) where "~./" in ZK Specific URI will get the file under "classpath/web/", assume your zul page under "src/web/zul/pages" as below:

    zul page under src

    And you export the src folder as a jar, then you can create component with the zul file in jar as below:

    Executions.createComponents("~./zul/pages/zulInJar.zul", parent, null);