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Flickering - Change CSS Background Position on Window Scroll

I'm going to rephrase my question due to lack of views. Does anyone know why modifying background-position on window scroll for Chrome and IE causes flickering sometimes?

Basically something like this will always cause flickering in Chrome and IE:

$(window).scroll(function(){$(divwithbg).css('background-position','center '+positiveinteger+px')});

Something like this never seems to flicker in any major browser:

$(window).scroll(function(){$(divwithbg).css('background-position','center '+negativeinteger+px')});

If you want to see this problem, try my sample code below, along with attached image. If you set data-parallaxdirection="0", that will be jitter free. If you set data-parallaxdirection="1", that will have jittering. I've attached the image I was using to this post.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <style type="text/css">
        .parallax-container {width:100%; position:relative; display:block; overflow:hidden; background-color:black; background-position:center center; background-repeat:no-repeat;}

        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
var CONTAINER = window;
    AVAILHEIGHT = $(window).height();

function ParallaxScroll(obj)
    var containerTop = $(obj).position().top;
    var containerHeight = $(obj).height();
    var parallaxspace = parseInt($(obj).attr('data-parallaxspace'));
    var goforward = parseInt($(obj).attr('data-parallaxdirection'));
    var scrollTop =  $(window).scrollTop() + AVAILHEIGHT;

//  var links = $('.location-links'); //on contact page

    if( scrollTop > containerTop)
            var pos = 0;
                            // why does this cause flickering?
                var scrolled = $(window).scrollTop() - containerTop;
                pos = 1.2*scrolled;

                            // why is this flicker free?
                pos = -1*(scrollTop-containerTop)*parallaxspace/(2*containerHeight);
            $(obj).css('background-position', 'center '+pos+'px');

function ParallaxScrollEvent()
    var parallaxcontainer = $('.parallax-container');
    for(var c=0; c< parallaxcontainer.length; c++)


<div class="parallax-container" style="background-image:url(images/location/2.jpg);" data-parallaxdirection="1" data-parallaxspace="800">
            <div class="parallax-container" style="background-image:url(images/location/2.jpg);" data-parallaxdirection="1" data-parallaxspace="800">
            <div class="parallax-container" style="background-image:url(images/location/2.jpg);" data-parallaxdirection="1" data-parallaxspace="800">


enter image description here


  • I fixed the problem.

    I added a background-attachment:fixed to my .parallax-container .