There is the following sequence:
How to define a method that takes an element's index of the sequence and returns the value (0 or 1) of this element?
public Element getValue(int index) {}
Maybe there's need to use recursion? I would be grateful for any ideas!
Little dots indicate that this series will go on. So here is your solution:
Lets consider 1 based index. You notice that 1 occurs at index 1, (1+2)=3, (1+2+3)=6, (1+2+3+4)=10 etc. We have a formula for this. Its n*(n+1)/2 .
So for given index(now this is 0 based as java array begins at index 0) do the following:
index = index + 1; // now it is 1 based index and our formula would fit in nicely.
index = index * 2;
sqroot = integer part of square root of index;
if( sqroot * (sqroot+1) == index)
print 1;
print 0;
Also there is no need for recursion as this is O(1) solution(not considering complexity of square root function)