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Highcharts chart not showing in IE9

i have made a Time Series chart with highcharts.

It works fine with FF, but it doesnt run in IE9. What could be the probleme here?

Full code on jsfiddle: Snippet here:

   $(function () {
   $(document).ready(function() {
   var jsData = JSON.parse('{"data":[{"dateTime":1035151200001,"value":0.737},{"dateTime":1358722800001,"value":1.374},{"dateTime":1359327600001,"value":1.374},{"dateTime":1360537200001,"value":1.38}]}'.valueOf());
   var chartData = [];
   for (i in {
   chartData.push( [ new Date([i].dateTime).getTime(),[i].value ] );
   chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
   chart: {
   renderTo: 'tsc_chartDiv',
   zoomType: 'x',
   spacingRight: 20,
   spacingLeft: 20,
   marginLeft: 200
   title: {
   text: 'xyz'
   subtitle: {
   text: document.ontouchstart === undefined ?
   'Click and drag in the plot area to zoom in' :
   'Drag your finger over the plot to zoom in'
   credits: { text: '', href: '' },
   xAxis: {
   type: 'datetime',
   maxZoom: '1209600000', // fourteen days
   title: {
   text: null
   yAxis: {
   title: {
   text: ''
   plotBands: [{
   color: 'rgba(253, 195, 156, .6)',
   from: 1.5,
   label: {
   text: 'High'
   to: 1000},
   from: 1.4,
   label: {
   text: 'Normaal'
   to: 1.5},
   color: 'rgba(196, 243, 112, .6)',
   from: 0,
   label: {
   text: 'Low'
   to: 1.4}],
   showFirstLabel: false
   tooltip: {
   shared: true
   legend: {
   enabled: true
   plotOptions: {
   area: {
   fillColor: {
   linearGradient: { x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1},
   stops: [
   [0, Highcharts.getOptions().colors[0]],
   [1, 'rgba(2,0,0,0)']
   lineWidth: 1,
   marker: {
   enabled: false,
   states: {
   hover: {
   enabled: true,
   radius: 5
   shadow: false,
   states: {
   hover: {
   lineWidth: 1
   threshold: null
   series: [{
   type: 'area',
   name: 'xyz',
   data: chartData
   var startx = 0;
   var starty = 20;
   var roundedVal = 0;
   chart.renderer.text('Index (I) Änderung:', startx + 20, starty + 20).add();
   roundedVal = (Math.round(parseFloat("0.004366812227074135")*1000)/10).toFixed(1);
   if (roundedVal >= 0.1) {
   chart.renderer.image("images/chart/up.png", startx + 20, starty + 40, 50, 50).add();
   else if (!(roundedVal>=-0.1)) {
   chart.renderer.image("images/chart/down.png", startx + 20, starty + 40, 50, 50).add();
   } else {
   chart.renderer.image("images/chart/equal.png", startx + 20, starty + 40, 50,        50).add();
   chart.renderer.text(roundedVal + "%", startx + 100, starty + 75).css({
   fontWeight: 'bold',
   fontSize: '20px',
   chart.renderer.text('I-Aktuell:', startx + 20, starty + 120).add();
   roundedVal = (Math.round(parseFloat("1.38")*1000)/1000).toString();
   chart.renderer.text(roundedVal, startx + 20, starty + 160).css({
   fontWeight: 'bold',
   fontSize: '30px',
   chart.renderer.text('I-Zuletzt:', startx + 20, starty + 200).add();
   roundedVal = (Math.round(parseFloat("1.374")*1000)/1000).toString();
   chart.renderer.text(roundedVal, startx + 100, starty + 200).add();
   chart.renderer.text('I-Höchst:', startx + 20, starty + 220).add();
   roundedVal = (Math.round(parseFloat("1.466")*1000)/1000).toString();
   chart.renderer.text(roundedVal, startx + 100, starty + 220).add();
   chart.renderer.text('I-Tiefst:', startx + 20, starty + 240).add();
   roundedVal = (Math.round(parseFloat("0.685")*1000)/1000).toString();
   chart.renderer.text(roundedVal, startx + 100, starty + 240).add();
   chart.renderer.text('I-AVG:', startx + 20, starty + 260).add();
   roundedVal = (Math.round(parseFloat("1.0567862745098051")*1000)/1000).toString();
   chart.renderer.text(roundedVal, startx + 100, starty + 260).add();

Thx stefan


  • It seems the problem is


    after removing this line it is working now for me.