I'm trying to make a DQL query (doctrine from symfony 2.2) with no success on these entities:
Lesson Which has several LessonContent Which are each linked to a User
I want to retrieve all the lessons of a user (should be pretty basic...).
SELECT l, lc FROM MyBundle:LessonContent lc
JOIN lc.lesson l JOIN lc.modifiedBy u
WHERE lc.creation=1 AND u.id = :userId
But this returns the LessonContent entities. If I select from Lesson, I can't JOIN the lessons (which is probably what I should be doing).
Can anyone help me?
It turned out I needed to have a l.content*s* attribute in order to be able to select from lessons and then JOIN on the rest.
* @var ArrayCollection $contentHistory
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="AAA\CoreBundle\Entity\LessonContent", mappedBy="lesson", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
* @ORM\OrderBy({"lastModified" = "DESC"})
private $contentHistory;
SELECT l FROM AAACoreBundle:Lesson l JOIN l.contentHistory lc JOIN lc.modifiedBy u WHERE lc.creation=1 AND u.id = :userId GROUP BY l
And with that it works like a charm!