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Mass-assignment error on nested attributes

I have an event which can have multiple occurrences (datetimes -- unfortunately, I've misspelled it in code as occurance) which can be dynamically added (thanks to Ryan Bates' awesome tutorial:

has_many :occurances, :dependent => :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :occurance, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:when].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true'

 attr_accessible :occurances, :occurances_attributes, :occurance_id

Then the form:

  = f.label "Date & Time", :class => 'control-label'
    = f.fields_for :occurance do |o_form|
      = o_form.text_field :when, :class => 'datepicker'

In the new method of the event_controller:

I currently have an issue when you submit the form:

Can't mass-assign protected attributes: occurance

If I add attr_accessible :occurance I get the following error:

unknown attribute: occurance

What am I missing here? I've looked at a few other questions regarding similar problems but I am unable to translate their solutions to my project.


  • attr_accessible: occurance_ids


    accepts_nested_attributes_for :occurances, :reject_if => lambda { |a| a[:when].blank? }, :allow_destroy => true'


    You :occurance_id is also invalid in your :attr_accessible. Because it's a has_many relationship, the foreign key will be in the Occurances table.