I am making a maze game, and I'm using a table for the maze layout. The character moves flawlessly, but it goes through the walls For the walls, I am using something like <td style="border-right:10px solid #000000;">
. It works, but the character is pretty much a ghost. Is there a way to make the character stop when it reaches a border
? My maze is at http://thomaswd.com/maze.
Since you're using jQuery, and the walls are shown by the class on the cell, you could check if the cell you're trying to move into has a wall using jQuery's hasClass
function up() {
//check if the cell has a border on the bottom
if ($("#td" + (algernon - 8)).hasClass('b')) return;
algernon -= 8;
setTimeout("refresh()", 0);
function down() {
//check if the cell has a border on the top
if ($("#td" + (algernon + 8)).hasClass('t')) return;
algernon += 8;
setTimeout("refresh()", 0);
function leftclick() {
//check if the cell has a border on the right
if ($("#td" + (algernon - 1)).hasClass('r')) return;
algernon -= 1;
setTimeout("refresh()", 0);
function rightclick() {
//check if the cell has a border on the left
if ($("#td" + (algernon + 1)).hasClass('l')) return;
algernon += 1;
setTimeout("refresh()", 0);
I hope this helps