Here is my code:
Object[] data = GeneComparison.readData(files);
MyGenome genome = (MyGenome) data[0];
LinkedList<Species> breeds = (LinkedList<Species>) data[1];
It gives this warning for the LinkedList:
Type safety: Unchecked cast from Object to LinkedList<Species>
Why does it complain about the linked list and not MyGenome?
Because here:
MyGenome genome = (MyGenome) data[0];
You are not using generics
And here
LinkedList<Species> breeds = (LinkedList<Species>) data[1];
You are using them.
That's just a warning, you are mixing types in the data array. If you know what are you doing ( I mean, if the second element do contains a LinkedList ) you can ignore the warning.
But better would be to have an object like this:
class Anything {
private Object [] data;
public Anything( Object [] data ) { = data;
public Gnome getGnome() {
public List<Species> getBreeds() {
And have to methods returning proper things, prior to a correct conversion so you end up with:
Anything anything = new Anything( GeneComparison.readData(files) );
MyGenome genome = anything.getGnome(); // similar to data[0]
LinkedList<Species> breeds = anything.getBreeds(); // similar to data[1];
Inside those methods you have to do proper transformations.