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Read and write from a file in different classes without having to close the stream in java

hey everyone :] just wondering if is it possible to read and write from a file in different classes without having to close the stream and start over again?

i need to use DataOutputStream and DataInputStream. i currently have 2 classes, my first class are supposed to write all objects to a file. Depending of what kind of object it is. I will be sending the object to a different class where it will continue writing.

the problem is that either i will just make to write 1 object before the stream is closed and i can't continue writing the next object, or each object will overwrite the last object.

    public int skrivTilFil( String filnavn)
      try{DataOutputStream input = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filnavn)))
          Bok løper = første;
              while(løper != null)
                  if(løper instanceof Skolebok)
                      Skolebok bok = (Skolebok) løper;

                  løper = løper.neste;

public void skrivObjektTilFil(DataOutputStream output) // skolebok class
             }catch(IOException e)
                            System.out.println("General I/O exception: "

here i will get IOException because the stream is closed, so i can't continue with the next object, but if i set DataOutputStream in the second class, i will be overwritting each object. is there i simple solution to this problem?


  • You need to append to the FileOutputStream.

    You should modify its creation as in:

    try{DataOutputStream input =                                  //append
                new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(filnavn,true)))