i have a file that looks like this:
15 02 2013 12:05:07 [DBG] vspd[3327]: VSP 0: RX 452B30303032340D
15 02 2013 12:05:07 [DBG] vspd[3327]: VSP 0: WX 452B30303032340D
Sniffer log of serial port communication.
How can i automatically translate hex char codes to string?
I tried to use some thing like this:
cat vspd.log | awk -F'(RX|WX)[[:space:]]*' '{print $2}' | awk 'BEGIN { FS = "" }{for (i = 1; i < NF; i = i + 1) a=$i$i+1;printf "%s", a; print}' | xxd -r
But it gives only very partial success, i think i messed something with pipes.
The question is how can i convert
tail -f file.log | awk -F'(RX|WX)[[:space:]]*' '{print $2}'
Into something readable?
You can indeed get there with awk
and xxd
, here is an example:
<infile awk -F'(RX|WX)[[:space:]]*' '{ print $2 }' | xxd -p -r | awk 1 RS='\r'
With GNU awk you can use strtonum()
to convert the hexadecimals, e.g.:
function hex2str(n) {
s = ""
for(i=1; i<=length(n)-1; i+=2)
s = s sprintf("%c", strtonum("0x" substr(n, i, 2)));
return s
Then you could do the conversion like this:
{ $NF = hex2str($NF) }
Here's a complete example:
<infile awk '
function hex2str(n) {
s = ""
for(i=1; i<=length(n)-1; i+=2)
s = s sprintf("%c", strtonum("0x" substr(n, i, 2)));
return s
{ $NF = hex2str($NF) }
15 02 2013 12:05:07 [DBG] vspd[3327]: VSP 0: RX E+00024
15 02 2013 12:05:07 [DBG] vspd[3327]: VSP 0: WX E+00024