I'm using knockout js to construct my application with asp.net mvc 4 on the backend. We are using knockout.mapping to populate the observables from MVC Service calls
Now I'm trying to add validation using the Knockout.Validation plugin as follows:
var validationOptions = {
insertMessages: true,
decorateElement: true,
errorElementClass: 'errorFill'
self.sDetail.Year.extend({ required: true });
When I run it I get the following error:
Error: Unable to get property 'extend' of undefined or null reference
When I debug I find that the sDetail appears empty. When I applyBindings the inputs are populated correctly. At what point to I have access to the propertys of the ko viewmodel. Is there a way around this issue?
Found a solution here: Knockout Mapping Validation
basically have to extend the properties in the call to mapping
var validationMapping = {
// customize the creation of the name property so that it provides validation
Year: {
create: function(options) {
return ko.observable(options.data).extend( {required: true} );
var validationOptions = {
insertMessages: true,
decorateElement: true,
errorElementClass: 'errorFill'
self.sDetail.Year.extend({ required: true });