I'm using jplayer for playing audio on a webpage, and when the page loads, the inspector and the player get loaded fine, but the bind function does not work. If I call it later from the console then it works fine.
myCirclePlayer = new CirclePlayer("#jquery_jplayer_1",
{ mp3: flatplaylist[0] },
{ supplied: "mp3", }
//does not work from here, but will work if I put this in the console.
$(myCirclePlayer.audio).bind('ended',function (){ playNextFile(); });
Here's my final code, which works fine.
var PlayerID = "#jquery_jplayer_1";
myCirclePlayer = new CirclePlayer(PlayerID,{mp3: 'audio/'+mypl.playlist[0]},{supplied: "mp3",});
$(PlayerID).bind($.jPlayer.event.ended, function (){ playNextFile(); });