When you declare dynamic array you do it like this for instance
MyArray: array of Byte;
This way compiler knows that it has to finalize that variable (array) when it gets out of scope. But I want to have dynamic array declared as a Pointer like this
MyArray: Pointer;
I know how to initialize (set length) to such array on the fly in runtime. The problem is the compiler has no clue that it needs to finalize it. I want to know if there is a way to tell the compiler to finalize that pointer as array when out of scope. I would tell him that when I would initialize the array for the first time.
I know this is a hack and please I don't want to hear that it is not a correct way. I have a very specific wish (problem) and I want to know if that is possible to achieve. I guess it is not as compiler does it with compiler magic.
I wanted to keep the question simple but as some want to know more I will tell more. I don't think it is relavant to the question but anyway, here it goes.
I want to conserve 4 bytes (or 8 on 64 bit sytem) for each record. It is more of a play thing. My idea was to insert a pointer to dynamic array inside the variable record TSimpleData. These kind of records do not accept variables that need finalization. Perfectly clear why. But I wanted to know if there is a way to register for finalization later. I was 99% sure there is no way but there is no harm asking to be 100% sure. Bellow is the relevant code in question. I want FComplexData to be a part of TSimpleData as a simple pointer.
TSimpleData = record { do not pack this record; it is compiler-generated }
case Byte of
atInteger: (VInteger: Integer);
atCardinal: (VCardinal: Cardinal);
atBoolean: (VBoolean: Boolean);
atObject: (VObject: TObject);
atPointer: (VPointer: Pointer);
atClass: (VClass: TClass);
atWideChar: (VWideChar: WideChar);
atChar: (VChar: AnsiChar);
{$IFDEF AnyValue_UseLargeNumbers}
atInt64: (VInt64: Int64);
atExtended: (VExtended: Extended);
TAnyValue = packed record private
FValueType: TValueType;
{$IFNDEF AnyValue_NoInterfaces}
FInterface: IInterface;
FSimpleData: TSimpleData;
FComplexData: array of Byte;
To answer my own question, there is no straightforward way to do this. But as I don't give up easily a solution was made:
It basically does what Embarcadero or Borland should have done ages ago.