I have this function in Struts 1:
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.WriteTag#doStartTag()
public int doStartTag() throws JspException {
Carac carac = (Carac) TagUtils.getInstance().lookup(pageContext, name, property, scope);
// Code here
return SKIP_BODY;
and I am trying to create the same tag in Struts 2 but don't know what's the purpose of this:
I found a solution to get my object from the view to the tag in struts 2 :
my tag :
<%@ taglib uri="wells/taglib/produit" prefix="produit"%>
<produit:produitPhoto prod="row" />
Here is how t can get it:
getStack().findValue(this.prod, Produit.class); // return Object Produit
Ref : Class TagUtils