Hi i have this large oracle hibernate web applications and it seems to give this error
ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000
and i need a java code tested by someone as a hibernate user defined component to add to my search java classes in my screen as easy as possible could someone have such tested component?
I tried this below code from link and it seem to work beautifully i will paste the code in-case the link were broken in future.
Keep it Simple Keep it Smile :)
* An utility method to build the Criterion Query IN clause if the number of parameter
* values passed has a size more than 1000. Oracle does not allow more than
* 1000 parameter values in a IN clause. Doing so a {@link SQLException} is
* thrown with error code, 'ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000'.
* @param propertyName
* @param values
* @return
import java.util.List;
import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
* @author 2796
public class SplitHibernateIn {
private static int PARAMETER_LIMIT = 999;
public static org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion buildInCriterion(String propertyName, List values) {
org.hibernate.criterion.Criterion criterion = null;
int listSize = values.size();
for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i += PARAMETER_LIMIT) {
List subList;
if (listSize > i + PARAMETER_LIMIT) {
subList = values.subList(i, (i + PARAMETER_LIMIT));
} else {
subList = values.subList(i, listSize);
if (criterion != null) {
criterion = Restrictions.or(criterion, Restrictions.in(propertyName, subList));
} else {
criterion = Restrictions.in(propertyName, subList);
return criterion;