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Unmarshalling list of objects using castor gives java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class

I'm using castor 1.3.3-rc1 and I've been puzzled with this problem. Have read the manuals few times and I believe I've done everything right here, but I keep getting :

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: object is not an instance of declaring class{File: [not available]; line: 4; column: 43}

when unmarshalling my xml.

These are my java classes:

public class ReportConfiguration {
    private List<ColumnMapping> columnMappings;

    // getters and setters omitted

public class ColumnMapping {
    private int index;
    private String label;
    private String sumTotal;

    // getters and setters omitted

This is my xml data file which will be unmarshalled into java classes above

        <columnMapping index="0" label="Login"/>
        <columnMapping index="1" label="Group"/>
        <columnMapping index="2" label="Profit" sumTotal="yes"/>

And this is my castor mapping file

    <class name="">
        <map-to xml="reportConfiguration"/>
        <field name="columnMappings" collection="arraylist" type="">
            <bind-xml name="columnMappings"/>

    <class name="">
        <map-to xml="columnMapping"/>
        <field name="index" type="integer" required="true">
            <bind-xml name="index" node="attribute"/>
        <field name="label" type="string" required="true">
            <bind-xml name="label" node="attribute"/>
        <field name="sumTotal" type="string">
            <bind-xml name="sumTotal" node="attribute"/>

I used Spring OXM, created a org.springframework.oxm.castor.CastorMarshaller instance on my application context, and injected an Unmarshaller instance as dependency. When unmarshalling I just do something like this:

ReportConfiguration config = (ReportConfiguration) unmarshaller.unmarshall(new StreamSource(inputStream));

Can anyone spot what did I do wrong / how else I can debug this problem ?


  • Ah actually I found the answer. I need to supply container="false" attribute on the castor mapping :

    <field name="columnMappings" collection="arraylist" type="" container="false">
            <bind-xml name="columnMappings"/>

    This is what castor manual says:

    container Indicates whether the field should be treated as a container, i.e. only it's fields should be persisted, but not the containing class itself. In this case, the container attribute should be set to true (supported in Castor XML only).

    I think the default is true -- in which case castor hopes to find multiple instance of <columnMapping> directly under <reportConfiguration>, not contained inside a <columnMappings>

    A more helpful error message could be presented.