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Cancel Magento Orders With Expired Pre-Authorization

I have some orders in my Magento site that are older than 30 days so the pre-auth has expired. When I go to cancel the orders, it tries to submit the pre-auth void but it fails because the original transaction no longer exists. Is there any way to manual override this void procedure and simply cancel an order in this state?


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    Turn on debugging for your payment module to see the result of $result->getResponseCode() for an expired transaction. Once you figure out what the result (code/error code) are, you could create a new 'case' that mimic case self::RESPONSE_CODE_APPROVED:

    Also take a look @ $this->_isTransactionExpired($realAuthTransactionId) to see why it isn't catching your expired transaction.

    protected function _voidCardTransaction($payment, $card)
        $authTransactionId = $card->getLastTransId();
        $authTransaction = $payment->getTransaction($authTransactionId);
        $realAuthTransactionId = $authTransaction->getAdditionalInformation($this->_realTransactionIdKey);
        $request= $this->_buildRequest($payment);
        $result = $this->_postRequest($request);
        switch ($result->getResponseCode()) {
            case self::RESPONSE_CODE_APPROVED:
                if ($result->getResponseReasonCode() == self::RESPONSE_REASON_CODE_APPROVED) {
                    $voidTransactionId = $result->getTransactionId() . '-void';
                    return $this->_addTransaction(
                            'is_transaction_closed' => 1,
                            'should_close_parent_transaction' => 1,
                            'parent_transaction_id' => $authTransactionId
                        array($this->_realTransactionIdKey => $result->getTransactionId()),
                            $payment, self::REQUEST_TYPE_VOID, $result->getTransactionId(), $card
                $exceptionMessage = $this->_wrapGatewayError($result->getResponseReasonText());
            case self::RESPONSE_CODE_DECLINED:
            case self::RESPONSE_CODE_ERROR:
            if ($result->getResponseReasonCode() == self::RESPONSE_REASON_CODE_NOT_FOUND
                && $this->_isTransactionExpired($realAuthTransactionId)
            ) {
    public function canVoid(Varien_Object $payment)
        if ($this->_isGatewayActionsLocked($this->getInfoInstance())) {
            return false;
        return $this->_isPreauthorizeCapture($this->getInfoInstance());