This is my test code (fiddle here):
console.log('Before wait');
setTimeout(function () { console.log('Yo!'); }, 1000);
var start =;
while ( < start + 3000) {}
console.log('After wait');
This is the timeline of events in Chrome:
Is this behaviour according to spec? Why is it not
The delay of setTimeout
is relative to the exact point in time when it is called. It expires while you are still busy waiting. So it will be performed at the next instant where the control goes back into the event loop.
The spec is a bit vague in this point, but I guess it's the intended and only straightforward interpretation:
setTimeout(function, milliseconds)
This method calls the function once after a specified number of milliseconds elapses, until canceled by a call to clearTimeout. The methods returns a timerID which may be used in a subsequent call to clearTimeout to cancel the interval.