There is any way to access and manipulate the system microphone volume as if i were on the Windows sound manager? With a slider i should set my favorite mic volume and visualize the current selected volume. Of course i'm on a stand alone application and not on a web based one. Thanks
Two issues related to this in JFX jira : and According to them, it is not supported now, and I think, it will not be supported in 8.0.
You can pay an attention to the JDK sound API:
Especially this fragment :
Changing a Line's Volume Let's assume your program associates a particular graphic slider with a particular line's volume control. The value of a volume control (i.e., FloatControl.Type.VOLUME) is set using the following FloatControl method:
void setValue(float newValue) Detecting that the user moved the slider, the program gets the slider's current value and passes it, as the parameter newValue, to the method above. This changes the volume of the signal flowing though the line that "owns" the control.
On the stackoverflow question about capturing microphone: