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gsp mail plugin autosending

When I navigate to the page, why is the send() function being called automatically?

I want to be able to view the gsp page, fill in a few text fields, and THEN call the submit with an action of "send"

This is my gsp file

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<meta name="layout" content="main"/>
<title>Contact Form</title>
<g:form name="contactForm" action = "send">
    <g:render template = "contactFormFields"/>
    <g:actionSubmit value = "submit" action = "send"/>

This is the contactFormFields template

<g:select name = 'subject' from = '${EmailService.options}' noSelection='Topic'/>

Contact Name: <g:textField name = "contact"/>
Contact Number: <g:textField name = "phone"/>
Contact Email: <g:textField name = "email"/>
Aditional Information:
<g:textArea name = "information" rows="5" cols="40"/>


class EmailServiceController {

    def defaultAction = "contactService"

    def send() {
            to "[email protected]"
            subject params.subject
            body params.information

domain class

class EmailService {

    static constraints = {
        def options = new ArrayList()
        options.push("Qestions about service")
        options.push("Feedback on performed service")
        options.push("Why am I doing this")

gsp that calls the service

<div class="banner">
  <h1>My HVAC company</h1>
  <a href = "javascript: contactPop()"> Contact me today!</a>
  <a href = "services">Services</a>
  <a href = "emailService">Have Me Contact You!</a>


  • You don't have a contactService action in your EmailServiceController so it's probably treating send() as the default action when you link to the controller with no action name. Try adding an empty contactService action

    def contactService() { }