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Phonegap 2.3.0 and the ForegroundCamera plugin

I'm using Phonegap 2.3.0 and the new ForegroundCamera plugin from Google Code.. I followed the instructions carefully, and in my Eclipse setup I got the following errors when validating the project:

  • Cannot cast from ForegroundCameraLauncher to Plugin
  • ctx cannot be resolved or is not a field (x2)
  • R cannot be resolved to a variable (x4)
  • The method success(PluginResult, String) is undefined for the type ForegroundCameraLauncher

Now, I solved the first three of the above errors by updating some deprecated code lines (I hope I got it solved - it doesn't show the errors anymore)..

The first error was corrected by changing Plugin to CordovaPlugin in the line "import org.apache.cordova.api.Plugin;" in ctx was replaced with cordova.getActivity() at those two places, where it caused trouble. This thing with R was fixed by doing some library changes which made it create an R object (sorry, I don't know how to explain this the right way, as I'm not too experienced with Eclipse yet).

With the last one of the four error messages, I tried to make a temporary fix by commenting out those two lines in (the lines with "this.success"...). But when taking a picture in my app, it crashes the whole thing upon returning from the camera instance..

Anyone know what's going on? I'd really be happy to get a few pointers here :)

The last error is obviously the one you should be focusing on ;) I just wanted to include some of the error fixing process, if others have experienced the same errors.


  • See this commit to see what has changed in Cordova:

    this.success(new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.OK, getRealPathFromURI(uri, this.ctx)), this.callbackId);
    this.callbackContext.success(getRealPathFromURI(uri, cordova));.

    Update the execute function as per that commit, and update takePicture.

    After that I have the ForgroundCamera plugin working with Cordova 2.3. Going to do some more testing and clean up now.