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Excel Macro to create a file and open it

I have remedy ticket numbers(eg , HD0000001006530) in one column.

I have to create a hyperlink on each cell referencing to itself. Clicking the hyperlink will run a macro.

The Macro have to create a file of type .artask with content like below and open it. Opening a .artask file will open the ticket HD0000001006530 in remedy.

Name = HPD: HelpDesk
Type = 0
Server = remedyprd
Ticket = HD0000001006530 <--- This value will come from excel cell


  • In your macroenabled excel file, Copy this code to the selected "worksheet" code pane.

               Private Function Createfile(ByVal cellvalue As String)
                Open "c:\" & cellvalue & ".artask" For Output As #1 'your target file name and address. you may change it to the desired folder
                Print #1, "[Shortcut]"
                Print #1, "Name = HPD: HelpDesk"
                Print #1, "Type = 0"
                Print #1, "Server = remedyprd"
                Print #1, "Ticket =" & cellvalue
                Close #1
               End Function
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
    If Target.Column = 1 Then
    Dim cell As Range
     If Dir("C:\" & cellvalue & ".artask") = "" Then 'For memory optimization we should first check if the file exists or not
    For Each cell In Range("A1:A" & Me.UsedRange.Rows.Count) 'Specify the Range, in that case it is from A1 to end of the column A
      ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="c:\" & Selection.Text & ".artask", TextToDisplay:=Selection.Text
        Next cell 'Loop through cells
                Createfile (Selection.Value)
            End If
              End If
          End Sub
        'EDIT ENDS

    If you had any issues please let me know it.