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How to choose the right javascript framework and how to get started?

its my first post on stack so I'm excited for each answer.

I have a really big problem in choosing the right javascript framework. Just some personal information, I know the basics of javaScript, I can write jQuery and of course I know HTML5 and CSS3. But I want to jump into server side applications, as many others too, I guess. I'm reading since months in the web about all the different frameworks but it's just so complicated to decide for one.

Some days ago I started to try angularJs, but for some reason I didn't really understand it, as it goes deeper, because I don't really understand the documentation and as far as I searched, there are not much videocasts out there. I can learn much better with videos.

Then I switched to meteor.js but their documentation is even more complicated and there are also not much videos out there. While reading about meteor I headed over to node.js, because it was said, its easier understandable if I understand node.js. But until I understand node.js there is much time lost. I know I have to learn it, but I just want to start with a client side framework which easily connects then with node.js.

My basic intention for now is, just to start with a real basic todo app, just for myself to learn it and maybe add more and more features later. Some day I want to go on and try another app and another etc. It's a long way. But I can't choose a framework for it. I want something, which is pretty open to different use cases, wether its a small or a big app. Just in case for the future. But mostly when I'm reading about a framework, they also say something about commonJS, underscore.js etc. and it just confuses me, because I always think I have to learn all that stuff.

So what's the best way to start? Should I just go back to Angular and try it further? Should I just try to write it on my own and look into the docs when I need something, or should I read the complete doc first? Same for meteor. And I also have backbone always in my mind, if its maybe a better one. This area is so overwhelming to start, so what's your experience? How did you start and whats the best way? I dont want to loose more time for senseless reading with no decision.

Thank you so much for your help.


  • Choosing a JavaScript framework is not an easy task - there are a great many of them out there, and they vary considerably in terms of quality, features and maturity. I would recommend visiting the TodoMVC site, which demonstrates the same applications - a simple to-do list - implemented with various different frameworks.

    It offers the following guidance on how to make the selection that is right for you:

    Once you've downloaded the latest release and played around with the apps, you'll want to decide on a specific framework to try out.

    Study the syntax required for defining models, views and (where applicable) controllers and classes in the frameworks you're interested in and try your hand at editing the code to see how it feels using it first-hand.

    Please ensure that if you're happy with this, you do spend more time investigating the framework (including reading the official docs, the source and its complete feature list). There's often a lot more to a framework than what we present in our examples.