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Create hyperlink in Excel file using AppleScript

In Excel 2008 on Mac, I want to create a hyperlink on sheet 1 on cell "A8" using AppleScript in same Excel document.

<hyperlink ref="A8" location="Sheet1!A20" display="Sheet1!A20" />

I have tried the following script, which does not work:

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
   make new workbook
   tell worksheet "Sheet1" of active workbook
       make new hyperlink of cell "A8" with properties {address :"#Sheet1!A20", text to display:"Sheet1!A20"}
   end tell
end tell

Can you help me figure out what to do please?


  • This was a tough one! The following works:

    tell application "Microsoft Excel"
        tell worksheet "Sheet1" of active workbook
            make new hyperlink of cell "A8" with properties {address:"", sub address:"$A$20", text to display:"Sheet1!A20"}
        end tell
    end tell

    Note - I have edited this answer to improve it. In the first attempt at this, I did not have the address:"" right. You pointed this out yourself in your comment. This is the missing piece - using "" as address creates a reference to "this document". Adding a # sign (which is what seems to happen when you enter the hyperlink manually) is what caused the problem...